Thursday 16 April 2009

Easter Time

As usual I stuffed myself with chocolate this Easter and my parents invited my boyfriend and I over to theirs for dinner, my sister couldn't make it, as she has now decided to enter horse trials, I'm sure it's just a phase.

Anyway, Dad was telling me about his plans for the garden and he said if I wanted to get him anything for Fathers Day could I get him a doormat saying 'Welcome', I must admit I hadn't even thought about Father's day, as its a couple of months away, but a doormat. Apparently, he's decided to convert his shed into a little home office (I think its really to escape mum), so he wants a doormat to put outside it. I told him about where I got my wardrobes from and he could get his office stuff there, the next minute he was in his shed measuring up.

But back to Easter, dinner was a lovely piece of roast lamb and a nice walk down to the river afterwards; oh I forgot to mention Tilly was invited too, once again looking for mischief.


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