Friday 27 March 2009

Tilly And The Stick

Tilly my Jack Russell, has decided to take it upon herself to become a stick herder, I know this post is completely irrelevant to gifts, but I love my little dog.

I think she has become completely obsessed by sticks, well actually not by loads of them but this one huge one, which could actually be classed as a branch. For the past few weeks, she has been determined to pick it up and run with it, and for all her little dog strength, she has failed to do so. But today, she moved it an inch, now I know Tilly and her obsession will increase after this minor victory.

She definitely has little dog syndrome.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Mothers Day

I thought I'd do something different for my mum this year, on previous Mother's days, I've always opted for safe choice of plants for the garden or flowers, but this year I wanted to do something different.

My sister and I hatched up a plan; it wasn't a grand plan, but a plan none the less. I must admit we were both suffering from a lack of money, seeing as I was saving up for my holiday in the summer and my sister's horse had had to have the vet visit, which cost her a small fortune. So, we arranged to cook mum a slap up meal and treat her to a visit to the local spa.

The plan seemed to be going well, apart from mum saying she was on a diet, which meant all our hard work in the kitchen seemed a bit of a wasted effort, although dad apparently wasn't on a diet and managed to eat my mothers share also.

However, the visit to the spa she loved, she had an aromatherapy face, neck and shoulder massage. I probably should have warned her about the oil going on her hair, but neither my sister nor me dared tell her she had walked out with hair looking like a sloth, although, her skin looked wonderful.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Makeover Time

Ever had one of those days where you look in the mirror and think, 'whose that?’ Well, it happened to me, I needed a makeover.

The lucky thing was I was given a gift voucher for a makeover by parents, (they had obviously noticed my deterioration) at Christmas. Thankfully it was still valid, so I grabbed the opportunity and booked with the London studio that was going to make me into a diva.

The day arrived and I must admit I did feel slightly nervous, as I was going by myself, only because I wanted to surprise everyone with my new look. I need not of worried; I was treated like a princess from the moment I walked in. I chatted with the makeover team and we discussed what they were going to do and if I was happy with it.

Then it struck me, I was going to be in a photo shoot, as I'm normally camera shy, I did feel a little uneasy, however, any fear I had was allayed as they were fantastic, I was made to feel very comfortable and the makeover was fabulous I never knew I could look like that. Plus, I now know some beauty tricks and I also know what colours suit me. I can look good whenever I want to now.

The photo's were great, I did not realise it was me at first, but they do an amazing job, I opted to buy more photo's as I was so chuffed, well I had developed a little vainness, but hey, it's all about the confidence.

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